Social Media Marketing VS SEO: What’s The Difference?

SEO vs social media marketingWhen people are talking about ways to market a product or website, they often use the terms “social media marketing” and “SEO” interchangeably. While these are both powerful marketing strategies, they’re not the same thing. Read on to learn more about both of these methods.

What’s Social Media Marketing?

Social media is used by people from all walks of life. The people that use social media tend to be highly engaged, which makes it the ideal place to market a product, website, or service. However, social media marketing doesn’t just include advertising. It also includes maintaining pages on popular social media platforms.

These days, social media marketing is absolutely essential. There’s a huge audience on social media, and that audience is much too big to ignore. While maintaining a social media presence does take time, there are a number of tools that make it easier to stay active on social media.

What’s SEO?

SEO is short for “search engine optimization.” It’s a catch-all term that describes methods that are used to improve the search engine rankings for a website. As an example, using popular keywords is a solid SEO strategy. Another strategy might be to get authoritative sites to link to your own site.

There are two different types of SEO. On-page SEO is focused on making changes to your website. Off-page SEO describes changes made elsewhere. Ideally, you should be using both types of SEO if you want to get ahead. Learn about SEO basics and see what you can do to improve your site.

Which Methods Are Right For My Site?

Ideally, most sites shouldn’t be using one method or the other. Instead, they should be using the two methods in tandem. You should establish a presence on major social media platforms and work to build an audience there. You should focus on both on-page and off-page SEO techniques so that you’ll gradually see your search rankings rise.

The internet is a crowded place. If you’re trying to get attention, you won’t want to limit yourself. You should use every effective marketing method you can. These strategies are time-tested and work well in a variety of situations. There’s no reason not to give them a try.

Now that you have a better understanding of both social media marketing and SEO, you’re poised to use both of these marketing strategies to your advantage. Keep learning more about both of these marketing techniques, and work to put your knowledge to good use.